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Senior Professor, Disaster Management Consultant

Indian Institute of Public Administration

Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, Japan

Adjunct Professor, Amrita University, Amritapuri, India

Vice Chairman, Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority, Gangtok, Sikkim

Member UN ISDR Asia Science, Technology and Academic Advisory Group (2015-2020)

Member, Committee for framing National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2020 of GOI and Chairman, Sub-Group on Capacity Building

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Hello, and welcome to my personal website.

I am Professor Vinod Kumar Sharma, Senior Professor Disaster Risk Reduction and Environment at Indian Institute of Public Administration. I also serve as a Visiting Professor at Kyoto University in Japan and an Adjunct Professor at Amrita University in Amritapuri, India. In addition, I hold the position of Vice Chairman at the Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority in Gangtok, Sikkim. I have had the privilege of being a member of the UN ISDR Asia Science, Technology and Academic Advisory Group from 2015 to 2020. Currently, I am honored to chair the Sub-Group on Capacity Building for the Committee responsible for framing the National Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy 2020 of the Government of India. My mission of life is to create awareness and educate people in Disaster Risk to make a safer India from natural disasters.

My Expertise

Disaster Management
Impact of disaster and climate change
Climate Change
Water and Food Security
River Management


  1. Proceedings, Symposium on Advancement of Ecology, 1979;
  2. Progress of Ecology Vol. 3 & 4 Today & Tomorrow Publications, New Delhi, India;
  3. Disaster Management (1994) (Proceedings of UNDP workshop of Natural Disaster Management) Published by UNDP/Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. (Reprinted in 1995-1997-1999-2001)
  4. Disaster Management (2016) Scientific Int. New Delhi
  5. Culture of Prevention, IIPA, New Delhi, 1999
  6. Cyclones in Andhra Pradesh (Oxfam, Hivos and IT, 2000)
  7. India : IDNDR and Beyond (IIPA, New Delhi, 2000)
  8. Manual on Natural Disaster Management (IIPA, New Delhi, 2001)
  9. Orissa Super Cyclone, 1999 (IIPA, New Delhi, 2001)
  10. Drought of Gujarat (IIPA, New Delhi, 2001)
  11. Drought of Rajasthan (IIPA, New Delhi, 2001)
  12. Gujarat Earthquake (IIPA, New Delhi, 2002)
  13. Sustainable Rural Development for Disaster Mitigation (Concept Publishers, New Delhi, 2004)
  14. Global Warming-Its impact on India (Indian Institute of Public Administration Publication) 2008
  15. Disaster Risk and Impact Management-Some Ecological and Strategic issues by Anil K. Gupta, Sreeja Nair and V.K. Sharma, Daya Publishing House (A Division of Astral Int. Pvt.Ltd) 2018
  16. Shyamli Singh, Aashish Jain and V. K. Sharma : Solid Waste Management – Compendium of Case Studies. Concept Publishing Delhi, 2018
  17. Helen James, Rajib Shaw, Vinod Sharma and Anna Lukasiewicz : Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia Pacific : Governance, Education and Capacity. Palgrave Macmillan 2022

Research Papers

  1. Sharma, V.K., (1996) Natural Disaster Mitigation and Government interventions An over view. INCODIM -96 In Role of Universities in Natural Disaster Reduction at Anna University. Madras. P.C1-6.
  2. Sharma, V.K., (1996) Natural Disaster preparedness, mitigation and reduction: Efforts in India during IDNDR. In Disasters, Environment and Development (ed.R.B.Singh) Oxford & IBH, New Delhi p. 93-104.
  3. Disaster Management (1994) (Proceedings of UNDP workshop of Natural Disaster Management) Published by UNDP/Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. (Reprinted in 1995-1997-1999-2001)
  4. Sharma, V.K. and Amir Ali Khan (1996) Earthquake Disaster - Management and Administrative issues. Symp. on Earthquake effects on structures, plant & Machinery. ISET Delhi Chapter: IX - 5.1 -5.12.
  5. Sharma, V.K., (1996) Environmental conservation and sustainable development, a case of NCT of Delhi. `National capital Territory of Delhi' Land marks in Delhi administration Post Independence era (1947-1997) (ed. S.C. Vajpeyi and S.P. Verma) Gyan Publishing House, p.296-311.
  6. Sharma, V.K., A. Sharma, A. Bagley, M. Jain and M. Gupta (1997) Risk in Cities - A case of Delhi and an outline Risk Assessment Methodology. Jour. Ind. Buildings Congress 4 (1): 164 -169.
  7. Sharma, V. K., (1997) Natural disaster Administration in India. In Governing India. Public Policy, Institutions and Administration. (ed. O.P. Dwivedi et.al) B.R. Publishing Corp. Delhi. P. 303-342.
  8. Sharma, V.K., (1997) Functioning of disaster management organization and methodology to cope with disasters in India. Indo-US Seminar on disaster relief, New Delhi, p.1-12.
  9. Sharma, V. K., (1997) Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness in India. Workshop on Earthquake Disaster Preparedness, University of Roorkee (Oct. 13-14, 1997). pp.89-96.
  10. Sharma, V. K., (1997) Natural Disaster Management in India.IJPA, Vol. XLIII (3) p. 764-774.
  11. Sharma, V. K., (1997) Roles and Responsibilities of Health Sector in Disaster Situation In India. Medico Friend Circle Bulletin, OXFAM ( India ) ,July – August. p. 7-8.
  12. Sharma, V.K., Gupta, M., Sharma, A. (1997) Environmental Considerations in Urban Development. Nagarlok, Vol. XXIX April-June 1997: ( 2 ). p. 63-68.
  13. Sharma, V.K. and Amir Ali Khan (2000) Post Earthquake reconstruction and rehabilitation in Jabalpur. XI Symposium on Earthquake Engineering organized ISET at Roorkee University, Roorkee (17-19, Dec. 1988) p. 132-142.
  14. Sharma, V.K., (1999) Use of GIS related technologies for managing disasters in India : An overview. GIS@Development. May-June Vol. III (3): p.26-30.
  15. Sharma, V.K. (1999) Status of preparedness planning in India for disaster mitigation, Shelter, Special issue- World Disaster Mitigation Day, October 13, 1999, A HUDCO-HSMI publication, pp.13-15
  16. Gupta, M.C., Sharma, V.K., (2000) Orissa Super Cyclone: Administrative Issues, Conference of Relief Commissioners, Pune, India, May 2000. p. 4-20 (Mimeo).
  17. Sharma V.K. & Amir Ali Khan (2000) Orissa (India) Super Cyclone: Impact and Emergency Management. Proceedings International Millennium Conference on Village Infrastructure to cope with Environmental Hazards, Dhaka (Nov. 24-25, 2000) p. 135-149.
  18. Sharma V.K. (2001) Institutional set-up and disaster response mechanism in India. Seminar on Earthquake in Built Environment (May 24-26, 2001) Journal of Indian Buildings Congress Vol. 8 (1): p. 290-299.
  19. Sharma, Vinod K. & Tanu Priya (2001) Development strategies for flood prone areas: case study Patna, India, Disaster Prevention and Management ; An International Journal : Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 101-109
  20. Sharma, Vinod K. (2001) Managing disaster in the new millennium. In Disaster Mitigation, experiences and reflections (ed. Pradeep Sahni et.al.), Prentice-Hall, India p.15-21.
  21. Sharma, Vinod K. (2001) Disaster Management in India – Past Experiences, Seminar on Disaster Mitigation Strategy in India, organized by Fire Engineer, New Delhi. Vol. 26 No. 3A Special Issue Sept. 2001, p. 11-26.
  22. Sharma, Vinod K. (2003) Disaster Management-Approach and Emerging Strategies in India. Vision : The Journal of Business Prospective, January-June 2003, pp 135-144
  23. Sharma, V.K. (2004) National policies relating to disaster care. Disaster Mental Health in India (ed. Dr. Rashmi Lakshminarayana, Dr. R. Srinivasa Murty and Dr Joseph O. Prewith Diaz) page 70-81
  24. Dixit, Amod M., Vinod K Sharma and Damodar Adhikari (2004) Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response(PEER) : An initiative towards self-sufficiency in responding to large scale disaster in Asia. World Congress on Natural disaster Mitigation, New Delhi , Feb 19-22, 2004 (Vol 2) page 413-419.
  25. Sharma, V.K. (2004) Disaster Management Strategies in India In ‘Coping with Natural Hazards: Indian Context (ed. K.S Valdiya) Orient Longman, p 250-256.
  26. Sharma, V.K. (2004) Psychological Support within Disaster management Plan International (India) Newsletter :4 (4) 7-8
  27. Sharma, V. K. (2009) Climate Change Adaptation-Governance Issues, ‘Governance for Climate Security Business Innovation, social change and National Security (ed. Lt. Gen. J. S. Ahluwalia) pp. 272-283
  28. Sharma, V. K. and Kaushik, A. D. (2009) Natural Disaster Management-An Overview. World Focus, 371-378.
  29. Anil K Gupta, Sreeja Nair and Vinod K Sharma (2011) Environmental Knowledge for Management of Hydro-meteorological disasters. In Environmental Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction, pp 106-117.
  30. Kaushik, A D and Vinod K Sharma (2012) Flood Management in India, Ind Jour of Public Adminstration Vol LVIII (1) : 119-136.
  31. Shyamli Singh and Vinod K. Sharma (2015) “Status of Tannery Effluent in Ganga River basin”, published in Water and Energy International, vol. 58, No. 7 Oct 2015 pp. 47-52 (ISSN: 0972057X)
  32. Sharma, V.K. (2018) Building Back Better: Focus on resilience and participation. In Science and Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia, 395-408, Elsevier Inc.
  33. Sharma V. K. and Shyamli Singh (2019) Urban Drought in India: Case study of Delhi published in Urban Drought: Emerging Water Challenges in Asia; Ed. Ray, B, Shaw, Rajib, Springer 2019 (ISBN: 978-981- 10-8947-3)
  34. Sharma V. K. and Shyamli Singh (2021) V.K., Challenges in Disaster Management in Hill Areas: A study of Sikkim, The Journal of Governance, IC Center for Governance, New Delhi, Vol 22, pp 248—268, January 2021
  35. Rajib Shaw, Helen James, Vinod Sharma and Anna Lukasiewicz (2022) Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience : Practice and Challenges in Asia Pacific: In Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia Pacific : Governance, Education and Capacity, Palgrave Macmillan Publication pp. 1-18
  36. Sharma, V. K. (2022) Use of Scientific Knowledge and Public Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction in the state of Sikkim, India, In Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia Pacific : Governance, Education and Capacity, Palgrave Macmillan Publication pp. 271-290
  37. Sharma, V. K. Rajib Shaw, Helen James and Anna Lukasiewicz (2022), Towards a Resilient Asia Pacific Region, In Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia Pacific: Governance, Education and Capacity, Palgrave Macmillan Publication pp. 369-377.


  1. Sharma, V.K., (1997) Strengthening Vulnerable Communities for Natural Disaster Reduction. Workshop on `Understanding Vulnerability: A South Asian Perspective (Aug. 21-22, 1997) Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  2. Sharma, V. K., (1997) National Policy and Planning for Emergency Response in India. International - Disaster and Emergency Response (IDER) Conference, Hague, The Netherlands. (Oct. 7-9, 1997) (Paper selected for special presentation in the opening session).
  3. Sharma, V.K., Gupta, M. and Sharma A. (1997) Science and Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction. International Conference on Habitat, Institution of Engineers (India), New Delhi.
  4. Sharma. V.K., (1997) Preparedness for Natural Disasters in Urban Areas. Golden Jubilee Conference on Natural Hazards in Urban Habitat, New Delhi, Nov 10-11, 1997.
  5. Sharma, V.K., (1998) Comparative Analysis of Andhra Cyclones of 1977 and 1996, UN IDNDR Conference on Early Warning Systems, Potsdam, Germany.
  6. Sharma, V.K., (2000) Scope of Business Partnerships towards Disaster Management in India, Conference on Building a Disaster Resistant Asia – Managing for 21st Century, April 2-5, 2000. (Organized by U.S., T.D.A. at Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.).
  7. Sharma V.K. (2001) Food availability & vulnerability to Natural Disasters (workshop on “ towards hunger free India” organized by planning commission, Govt. of India)
  8. Sharma, V.K. (2005) Capacity Building in Emergency Response in five Asian Countries. DMISA Conference, South Africa.
  9. Sharma, V.K. (2006) Linking development with disaster reduction-A case of Surat Floods 2006. First India Disaster management Congress, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi November, 2006
  10. Sharma, V.K. (2006) Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER)- an initiative of USAID in six Asian countries. First India Disaster management Congress, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi November, 2006
  11. Sharma, V.K. (2007) Recent developments in disaster management in India. Lessons from Natural Disasters: International roundtable on Policy issues and mitigation strategies, organized b y Centre for Science & Technology of the Non – aligned and other developing countries, New Delhi and Centre for Disaster Mitigation and Management (CDMM), Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India (January 8-12, 2007).
  12. Sharma, V.K. (2008) India’s planned national approach for Disaster Risk Reduction. South Asia Disaster Reduction Report, Duryog Nivaran, Sri Lanka
  13. Sharma, V.K. (2008) Drought Risk Management, South Asia Disaster Reduction Report, Duryog Nivaran, Sri Lanka
  14. Sharma, V.K. (2008) Global Warming-Its impact on India, theme paper of Annual General Body Meeting of Indian Institute of Public Administration. Indian Institute of Public Administration Publication, New Delhi
  15. Sharma, V.K.(2010) Disaster Management in India- New Initiatives. Paper presented in EROPA Seminar at Kathmandu, Nepal: 21-25 Nov. 2010.(Indian Institute of Public Administration Publication)
  16. Shyamli Singh, V.K. Sharma, Usha Muju Munshi, (2014) “Ganga Gyan Dhara – A knowledge Repository: Connecting the Dots and Filling the Data Gaps”, International Conference on Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability, New Delhi (SciDataCon2014)
  17. Shyamli Singh, Ishupinder Kaur and V. K. Sharma (2017) “Rainfall trend analysis over past 100 years (1915-2015) in Delhi" Presented at 3rd International Conference on Environment Management 2015 at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, 27-29 November, 2017
  18. Shyamli Singh, Mutup Tashi, Prof .Vinod K. Sharma (2018) Forest Fire vulnerability in the face of Climate Change: A case study of eastern Himalayan region, Sikkim, India, 7TH January, 2018, CHSED, Dehradun
  19. Shyamli Singh and V. K. Sharma (2020) A review of Solid Waste management and Swot Analysis in Ganga Basin, Trends in Biosciences Journal Volume 13 Issue 17, September 2020
  20. Shyamli Singh and V. K. Sharma (2021), Is climate change a Real-time situation Case studies on water bodies in India, Know Disaster magazine, November -December 2021, New Media Communication Pvt. Ltd

Specialized Trainings

  1. Certificate course in Environment and Sustainable Development , University of Edinburgh, Scotland 1996 (12 weeks training in India and UK)
  2. Health Emergency in Large Populations (HELP) 2001, Center of Excellence, Hawaii, USA
  3. Training of Trainers Program on Rehabilitation and Resettlement (1994) World Bank/ASCI Hyderabad
  4. Direct Trainers’ Skill (DTS), 1993, British Council, UK / L.B.S.N.Academy Mussoorie

Academic Qualifications

Ph.D. (Ecology and Environment)
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India (1971)

P.G. Diploma in Resources Ecology,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India (1970)

M.Sc. (Botany)
Meerut University, India (1968)

B.Sc. (Biology/Life Sciences)
Agra University, India (1966)


Sr. Professor Environment and Disaster Management
Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi
July 1992- Till Date

Vice Chairman, Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority
Status of Cabinet Minister in the state
May 2012-Till Date

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal as Chief of Party
Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER)-USAID funded programme for five Asian countries
May 2003 – October 2006

Founder Coordinator National Centre for Disaster Management / Professor
Disaster Management at National Centre for Disaster Management
March 1995- May 2003

Countries Working Experience






Sri Lanka





Receipient Of Subhash Chandra Bose Aapda Prabandhan National Award


Receipient Of Paul Appleby Award In Public Administration


Social Media


Disaster Risk Reduction
IIPA Official


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